Richard Phillips


Richard Phillips enlisted La De La to modernise the company's visual identity and overall brand, a legacy originally created by the legendary design pairing Wolff Olins three decades ago. This iconic identity has endured with its self-assured silver colour palette, distinctive white circle, and an enduring air of mystery surrounding the enigmatic Richard Phillips.

Richard Phillips himself is a leading authority and mentor in the realm of personal communication, guiding top-tier executives and international leaders to become dynamic and effective communicators. After serving as the sole coach in the company for many years, he has now welcomed a new expert, Dora Mallinson, to the team. The addition of Dora has meant there must be clear communication about the team's composition and the services they offer.

Through close collaboration with the Richard Phillips Ltd team, it became evident what elements of the original brand should be preserved and what enhancements should be introduced. The silver colour palette and white circle, familiar to Richard's existing clientele, were retained. Dora's presence would be integrated into the website and presentation materials to showcase her specific expertise.

To provide a more humanistic touch, photography was introduced to the branding - something not used before. In line with the company's high-profile status, a deliberate decision was made to maintain an air of mystery by revealing minimal information through photography, allowing potential clients to engage their imagination and preserving Richard's aura of mystique.


Richard Phillips



Richard Phillips


Richard Phillips


Richard Phillips enlisted La De La to modernise the company's visual identity and overall brand, a legacy originally created by the legendary design pairing Wolff Olins three decades ago. This iconic identity has endured with its self-assured silver colour palette, distinctive white circle, and an enduring air of mystery surrounding the enigmatic Richard Phillips.

Richard Phillips himself is a leading authority and mentor in the realm of personal communication, guiding top-tier executives and international leaders to become dynamic and effective communicators. After serving as the sole coach in the company for many years, he has now welcomed a new expert, Dora Mallinson, to the team. The addition of Dora has meant there must be clear communication about the team's composition and the services they offer.

Through close collaboration with the Richard Phillips Ltd team, it became evident what elements of the original brand should be preserved and what enhancements should be introduced. The silver colour palette and white circle, familiar to Richard's existing clientele, were retained. Dora's presence would be integrated into the website and presentation materials to showcase her specific expertise.

To provide a more humanistic touch, photography was introduced to the branding - something not used before. In line with the company's high-profile status, a deliberate decision was made to maintain an air of mystery by revealing minimal information through photography, allowing potential clients to engage their imagination and preserving Richard's aura of mystique.

Design & Art Direction
Kieran Rid

Website Visualiser
Corey Rid

Studio Photography
Barley Nimmo

Web Developer
Trebel Scott

All Other Photography
Kieran Rid

Design & Art Direction
Kieran Rid

Website Visualiser
Corey Rid

Studio Photography 
Barley Nimmo

Web Developer
Trebel Scott

All Other Photography
Kieran Rid

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